Skiing – Szczesliwice

Skiing – Szczesliwice

In the winter season, parallel to the semi-camp, we offer ski and snowboard courses on Górka Szczesliwicka.

Duration of classes: 5 times for 2 hours (so 10 hours on the slope  🙂 )

The cost of classes and hours can be found under  CLICK LINK

Dates of group classes
  • first week of Masovian winter holidays
  • second week of Masovian winter holidays
  1. Classes are conducted from Monday to Friday in the first and second week of the holidays. A one-time meeting lasts 2 hours.
  2. The hours of classes, due to the safety of students, may change in the event of additional events on the slopes, hindering the conduct of these classes (we pay proportionally to the number of classes held)
Description of skills students must have to participate in group classes

3. Skiing and snowboarding – the trainee enters the saucer lift by himself, has control over the speed, has knowledge of turns in the plow.
4. We form groups of 4 – 7 players. The group starts if at least 4 people sign up.


5. Applications are accepted after prior contact by e-mail The total price may include equipment rental.

6. A 20 PLN discount applies when signing up a brother or sister.

7. If the child does not have equipment, it is possible to rent it from PLN 20 for each training.

8. The number of places is limited, the order of payments decides.

9. Information about classes: tel:  +48 511 950 013 or   501 231 421  email: (school coordinator).